SMILE® Pro - What is keyhole laser eye surgery?

SMILE® Pro (SMall Incision Lenticle Extraction) uses the latest advancement in laser vision correction technology to correct high levels of nearsightedness (myopia) and moderate levels of astigmatism.

How does SMILE® Pro work?

SMILE® Pro is done using the latest femtosecond laser to reshape the cornea. While SMILE® Pro is a relatively new technique, the technology has proven to be safe and effective and used by surgeons around the world. The laser’s high peak intensity waves create a thin layer just beneath the surface of the eye and at the same time, a small opening. This small lens-shaped piece of corneal tissue is called the lenticule and is inside the cornea. The surgeon then removes the lenticule through a small incision (keyhole) in the outer part of the eye. This reshapes the cornea and corrects the refractive error.

Are there advantages of keyhole surgery?

Unlike LASIK which creates a flap, the SMILE® Pro keyhole laser eye surgery is minimally invasive, creating a small incision that is less than 4mm on the eye surface. The femtosecond laser creates a micro-incision rather than a flap which leads to a faster surgery recovery time. The procedure is quick and painless. The laser part of the procedure takes less than ten seconds, making it faster and more comfortable for patients. This means you can return to work and normal life activities within a couple of days. The treatment is ideal for athletes who play contact sport or those wishing to return to their game within a couple of days. With the outer layer of the cornea remaining intact, you are less likely to develop dry eye after the procedure.

How do I know if I am suitable for SMILE® Pro?

We offer a free assessment and will perform a series of simple tests and scans to check your suitability. Bowen Eye Clinic is the only eye clinic where you will meet the surgeon, Dr Reece Hall, at your suitability assessment to discuss which refractive correction procedure is best suited for your eyes.

Book to have a free eye assessment for your suitability for SMILE® Pro laser eye surgery.

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